(Modul B) Fundamental Modelling of Achitecture
Maklumat Penting
Setiap peserta haruslah menghadiri kursus BIM Concept and Theory (BCT) anjuran CIDB di myBIM Satellite; dan sekiranya gagal berbuat demikian, peserta tidak akan dibenarkan mendaftar dan menyertai kursus ini.
Peserta akan diberikan :
25 mata CCD untuk kursus ini
Sijil Kehadiran
Sijil Pentauliahan kepada pesera yang Lulus penilaian.
The developments of the course outcome are based on the international and local standards of the scope of work, defined for BIM modellers roles and responsibilities. It is, therefore, targeted at skill sets to develop competency in hands-on technical skill, BIM knowledge and pro-active problem solving which tailored to suit local requirement. Upon successful completion of this course, the participants are expected to be able to: